Image shellira

Shellira's finest organic spices

Image Cinnamon

Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon Is High in a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties , protect your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals , helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage , It reduces levels of total cholesterol, "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while "good" HDL cholesterol remains stable , Cinnamon is well known for its blood-sugar-lowering properties , May Have Beneficial Effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases and May Protect Against Cancer.

Image Turmeric

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric - and especially its most active compound, curcumin - have many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.

Image Black pepper

Black pepper

benefits : High in antioxidants - anti-inflammatory properties - May benefit your brain - improve blood sugar control - lower cholesterol levels - cancer-fighting properties - Boosts absorption of nutrients

Image Sumac skin

Sumac Skin

Like many other culinary spices, sumac can enhance the flavor and color of a variety of dishes. It's particularly popular in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines , Sumac has a good track record for safety, with no adverse reactions reported in available clinical research , alleviate muscle pain - May promote balanced blood sugar - Sumac is rich in multiple antioxidant compounds - The full nutrient profile of sumac remains largely unknown, but some research suggests it contains a host of beneficial nutrients. These include fiber, healthy fats, and some essential vitamins